Nos corps anarchiques, 2023
Mécènes du sud, Montpellier 2023
Marianne Berenhaut, Laurie Charles, Won-Jin Choi, Marianne Derrien, Liliane Giraudon, Tanja Nis-Hansen, Georgia René-Worms,
Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Sequoia Scavullo et Jo Spence
Curator : Georgia René-Worms
“I’m progressing through a life that is no longer my own, finding myself enclosed in a body that is no longer mine, which illness (its tools and consequences) has rendered not only alien but inadequate.The body is no longer an ally, it has become an obstacle, and it is from it that I advance in my vocabulary, slowly unsanding a variety of scenes and actions hitherto inaccessible.”
Liliane Giraudon, Madame Himself
They claimed their autonomy very discreetly, quietly they began to transform. Generating new forms within us: succulent and sticky muscle tissues, flesh growths, cellular proliferations, mutant cartilages, cannibalising cells. Words have been put on each of these movements, scientific words, medical words. It is a new language that came to us, we have been told about these bodies as if they were places where an order needed to be re-established. Our bodies and our history have been exposed to a new language. An authoritarian and rigid language, as if petrified, to talk about our sick bodies and their warm, soft, and moving viscera.
It is bedridden, in a clinic, that the need of encountering those curatorial and emancipating narratives came to me. It is horizontally, in a social temporality up in the air when sickness had rendered me non-productive, that these new bodies built in difference appeared to me.
The anarchic body is the body that finds itself in a sort of flat-share with pathology, a body that at some point in its life took the freedom to empower itself, to mutate as if in reaction to its own biology and exposomes. Our anarchic bodies are also the need for an horizontal pooling of knowledge by the sick themselves, not by opposing medical institutions, but by reorganising listening, a narrative and a self-managed knowledge from within to the outskirts the experience of sickness.
Each of the pieces of this exhibition is a narrative or visual form highlighting various strategies of bringing visibility set up by artists and authors to politically and socially render our experiences apprehensible. Our anarchic bodies aim to operate a paradigm shift; there is no question anymore of being a submissive host but to pass on the experience of sickness on the proactive side, accepting and exposing the moments of power, just as well as the moments of doubt and fatigue.
Here is built a non-linear historiography made of sisters and allies. Breaking down the barriers of the functions they are subjected to, the artists and authors of this exhibition deconstruct the idealisation of the modern activist body. Here, pain, hormon-dependency, chronicity, auto-immunity are not solely words describing pathologies but the starting point of reflections on our intimate and political lives.

Jo Spence with Muggy Murray, Rosy Martin, Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: How Do I Begin to Take Responsibility for My Body?, circa 1982-1986, courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London
Liliane Giraudon, Aujourd’hui c’est demain, 2023

Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Tout collant, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery
Georgia René-Worms, endo-chrono-timing, 2023,

Jo Spence, with Rosy Martin, Photo Therapy: Breath In, circa 1985
courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London

Georgia René-Worms, endo-chrono-timing, 2023,
Liliane Giraudon, Aujourd’hui c’est demain, 2023

Liliane Giraudon, Aujourd’hui c’est demain, 2023
Liliane Giraudon, Une femme morte n’écrit pas (extraits), 2023 Remerciement : Al Dante / les presses du réel

Liliane Giraudon, Une femme morte n’écrit pas (extraits), 2023. Remerciement : Al Dante / les presses du réel

Tanja Nis-Hansen, Let me tickle your fears, 2021, courtesy of the artist and Sans titre, Paris
Marianne Derrien, Manthéon songs, 2023, vidéo Handimpérial, 01’:11.
Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Tout collant, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery
Georgia René-Worms, endo-chrono-timing, 2023

Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Septembre 2023, 2023 papier marouflé, L 210 x H 297 cm.
Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Laine, tricot et trois aiguilles, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery

Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Bottes bois et cage, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery
Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Septembre 2023, 2023 papier marouflé, L 210 x H 297 cm
Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Laine, tricot et trois aiguilles, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery

Marianne Berenhaut, Poupées poubelles : Laine, tricot et trois aiguilles, 1971-1980. courtesy Dvir Gallery
Jo Spence, with Muggy Murray, Rosy Martin, Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: Hospital versus Alternative Health Treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine, circa 1982-1986
Jo Spence & Rosy Martin, Portraiture / Photo Therapy, circa 1984-1986, panneau d’exposition à trous rivetés composé de deux feuilles dactylographiées, 22,2 x 30,1 cm et 22,3 x 30,1 cm, montées sur carton noir, taille totale 50 x 35.5 cm.
Jo Spence, with Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: How I Am Supposed to Look as a Sick Person / How I am Not Supposed to Look when Sick, circa 1982-1986, panneau d’exposition laminé, 57 x 45 cm
courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London
& the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

Jo Spence, with Muggy Murray, Rosy Martin, Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: Hospital versus Alternative Health Treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine, circa 1982-1986,
Jo Spence & Rosy Martin, Portraiture / Photo Therapy, circa 1984-1986, panneau d’exposition à trous rivetés composé de deux feuilles dactylographiées, 22,2 x 30,1 cm et 22,3 x 30,1 cm, montées sur carton noir, taille totale 50 x 35.5 cm.
Jo Spence, with Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: How I Am Supposed to Look as a Sick Person / How I am Not Supposed to Look when Sick, circa 1982-1986, panneau d’exposition laminé, 57 x 45 cm
Jo Spence, Nottingham Cancer Project, 1983, cinq c-prints, typographie sur papier et deux enveloppes photographiques collées sur une carte orange perforée, 45 x 32 cm.
Jo Spence, From Remodelling Medical History (Cancer Shock), 1983, collaboration avec Terry Dennett, ensemble de 6 panneaux laminés par l’artiste, 71 x 51 cm chacun
courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London
& the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

Jo Spence & Rosy Martin, Portraiture / Photo Therapy, circa 1984-1986, panneau d’exposition à trous rivetés composé de deux feuilles dactylographiées, 22,2 x 30,1 cm et 22,3 x 30,1 cm, montées sur carton noir, taille totale 50 x 35.5 cm.
Jo Spence, with Terry Dennett, The Picture of Health: How I Am Supposed to Look as a Sick Person / How I am Not Supposed to Look when Sick, circa 1982-1986, panneau d’exposition laminé, 57 x 45 cm
Jo Spence, Nottingham Cancer Project, 1983, cinq c-prints, typographie sur papier et deux enveloppes photographiques collées sur une carte orange perforée, 45 x 32 cm.
courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London
& the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

courtesy the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

Jo Spence, A Picture of Health: Property of Jo Spence?, 1982, collaboration avec Terry Dennett, photographie en noir et blanc, 43 x 33cm
courtesy Jo Spence Memorial Library Archive, Birkbeck, University of London
& the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

Jo Spence, A Picture of Health: Property of Jo Spence?, 1982, collaboration avec Terry Dennett, photographie en noir et blanc, 43 x 33
courtesy the Estate of Jo Spence Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery London/Rome

Marianne Derrien, Manthéon songs, 2023, vidéo Sista Chochotte,

Sequoia Scavullo, Pharmakon, 2023, film 16 mm. courtesy of the artist and Sans titre, Paris

Laurie Charles, Le repos des organes, 2023, installation, sculptures en tissu et mousse de rembourrage, moquette, peinture murale, mobilier de salon.
Laurie Charles, From the waiting room, 2023, papier peint peint à la main, acrylique

Laurie Charles, Le repos des organes, 2023, installation, sculptures en tissu et mousse de rembourrage, moquette, peinture murale, mobilier de salon.

Laurie Charles, Le repos des organes, 2023, installation, sculptures en tissu et mousse de rembourrage, moquette, peinture murale, mobilier de salon.
Laurie Charles, From the waiting room, 2023, papier peint peint à la main, acrylique

Laurie Charles, Spoon, 2023 , sculpture en tissu et mousse de rembourrage, L 275 x l 62 x H 30 cm
Marianne Derrien, Manthéon songs, 2023, vidéo Pipillages, 01’: 17’’

Marianne Derrien, Manthéon songs, 2023, vidéo Pipillages, 01’: 17’’
Tanja Nils-Hansen, Let me tickle your fears, 2021

Tanja Nis-Hansen, Let me tickle your fears, 2021. courtesy of the artist and Sans titre, Paris

Tanja Nis-Hansen, Let me tickle your fears, 2021. courtesy of the artist and Sans titre, Paris
Images ©Elise Ortiou Campion