Lectures & Performances

Poésie Plateforme with Liliane Giraudon and Georgia René-Worms, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard

This “Poésie plate-forme” session invites Georgia René-Worms, artist and curator – among others – and Liliane Giraudon, poet and designer – among others. For several years now, this dialogue between the two has traversed their lives, their multiple and material practices, time, bodies, illnesses and texts, always under the sign of research. Their public attempt that evening will be to make this active affinity visible, to publish – in a way – this creative and friendly intimacy.

Liliane Giraudon’s writing between prose (prose doesn’t exist) and poem (a poem is never alone) is a crossing of genres. Her books: poems, stories, short stories, plays, between what she calls “littérature de combat” and “littérature de poubelle”, are published (over 80 titles) mainly by Editions P.O.L and Al Dante: from Je marche ou je m’endors, 1982, to Une femme morte n’écrit pas, 2023.

She has co-founded, co-edited or founded-directed numerous magazines, notably “Banana Split”, “Action Poétique”, “If” and “La gazette des jockeys camouflés”. She practices public reading and “writing-drawing” on her own and, above all, accompanied by others, through leaflets, artist’s books, exhibitions, videos, theater, radio, translation workshops, collective writing, serials, anthologies, minuscule action… Her latest book, poem-drawings, is entitled La jument de Troie, P.O.L, 2023.

“A twisted existence” could be the title of her writing laboratory where voices circulate.

The work of Georgia René-Worms, artist, author and researcher, revolves around experiments where intimacy, life and art interpenetrate. She explores artistic forms from investigation to writing, from installation to curating. Documentary backgrounds, both historical and anthropological, are combined with an experimental non-fictional narrative that also has an objectivist dimension.

Among her most recent interventions: curating the exhibition Nos corps anarchiques, Mécènes du Sud, Montpellier, in which she invited Liliane Giraudon, 2023; the photo-poems Archive autour de quelques fantômes que j’aime et qui me poursuivent, exhibition Minne Kirsten, Institut Néerlandais, Paris, 2023; the poster Selfmedication, Lapin Canard, 2022; the book Îlles, Tombolo Presses, 2021; the critical essay & J. L. devoted to José Leonilson, commissioned by INHA, Paris, 2021; Cairo Drama, Switch on Paper, 2020, following her residency at the Villa Champollion-Institut Français d’Egypte based on the work of Inji Efflatoun.

She co-founded the artist run-space Terzo Fronte in Rome.